News & Events
Nov 09, 2015
PathoNGen-Trace partner at the CHRO2015
Dr Alison Cody from the University of Oxford, Department of Zoology, presented at the CHRO2015 (Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related organisms) conference, which was held in Rotorua, New Zealand, from November 1st – 5th 2015. CHRO meetings have, and continue to be, the major venue for presenting research findings on Campylobacter and Helicobacter. Started in 1981, the conference is held...Jul 02, 2015
PathoNGen-Trace goes across the pond!
The PathoNGen-Trace consortium will be prominently represented at the 1st ASM Conference on Rapid Next-Generation Sequencing Bioinformatic Pipelines for Enhanced Molecular Epidemiologic Investigation of Pathogens taking place in Washington DC on September 24-27, 2015. With Martin Maiden (University of Oxford, UK), Stefan Niemann (Research Centre Borstel, Germany), Alexander Mellmann and...Jun 24, 2015
PathoNGen-Trace researchers report breakthrough in tuberculosis research
Scientists from the PathoNGen-Trace project in Germany and France together with colleagues from the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre and the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases developed a new genetic method, paving the way for a more effective treatment of tuberculosis (TB). The new method enables researchers not only to predict which antibiotics result in resistance but,...May 21, 2015
PathoNGen-Trace annual progress meeting in Berlin
41 months into the Patho-NGen-Trace project, the Consortium gathered for its annual progress meeting at the premises of the management partner Eurice in Berlin, Germany, on May 18-19, 2015. Work results as presented by the team members showed the remarkable progress made within Patho-NGen-Trace during the last year. Achievements were actively discussed by the team and next steps to move forward...Mar 23, 2015
Common Multidrug-Resistant TB Strain in Swaziland Not Detectable by Most Advanced Rapid Diagnostic Tests
More than a quarter of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) strains isolated in a national survey in Swaziland carry a mutation that is undetectable by the advanced rapid molecular diagnostic tests currently in widespread use, according to a letter published in New England Journal of Medicine by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontierès (MSF) and the Research Center, Borstel,...Jan 19, 2015
From East Asia into the world: New study on the global spread of multidrug resistant Tuberculosis pathogens
How do pathogens spread? Which factors are important? Why are some strains more successful than others? An international consortium of 55 scientists guided by Prof. Stefan Niemann (Research Center Borstel, German Center for Infection Research, DZIF) and his French colleagues Prof. Philip Supply (Institute Pasteur de Lille) and Prof. Thierry Wirth (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)...Jan 14, 2015