Ridom GmbH

The company develops software for DNA re-sequencing analysis for physicians and epidemiologists on a routine basis. Since it was founded in 2003, it has achieved a well-recognised name in the field of sequence based microbial typing, with every European National Health System Authority such as RKI, RIVM, HPA, and Serum Statens, ) having bought and put to use at least one Ridom software product in the last years. The company has also developed and maintains the worldwide largest sequence-based microbial typing database - Ridom SpaServer.

Main tasks

Development and implementation of user-friendly software tools, evaluation and adaptation ofre-sequencing whole genome assemblers, implementation of a rule-based system to create plain language reportfrom bacterial whole genome data, integration and/or development of tools to visualise and analyse bacterial whole genome sequence data for public health.

Relevant publications

  • Harmsen, Dag and Claus, Heike and Witte, Wolfgang and Rothgänger, Jörg and Claus, Hermann and Turnwald, Doris and Vogel, Ulrich Typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a university hospital setting by using novel software for spa repeat determination and database management. J Clin Microbiol 2003 41 (12) : 5442--5448. [pmid]
  • Harmsen, Dag and Rothgänger, Jörg and Frosch, Matthias and Albert, Jürgen RIDOM: Ribosomal Differentiation of Medical Micro-organisms Database. Nucleic Acids Res 2002 30 (1) : 416--417. [pmid]


Ridom GmbH Logo

Jörg Rothgänger

Mendelstr. 11
D-48149 Münster

Phone: +49 (251) 490 931 50
Fax: +49 (251) 490 931 51


Jörg RothgängerJörg Rothgänger
Thomas Weniger